The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21004   Message #831138
Posted By: GUEST,
20-Nov-02 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
Subject: RE: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
The reason the horse is still getting flogged is, it isn't dead. We're still fighting Vietnam over here, in the sense that I get 80% young republicans, probably parroting parents, sitting in my composition class saying it was a noble cause, or we lost because we fought a limited war, or because of Jane Fonda et al. I don't think anybody who wasn't there is entitled to an opinion about the veterans' experience (I was, I thank God, too young), but all Americans need to think through the experience, as we show signs of getting ready to repeat at least some of the errors. And not just Americans -- when we sneeze, the rest of the world gets pneumonia. So talk it up, those who know; decent folk will recognize those who don't for the sacks they are, and listen respectfully.
