The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21430   Message #831417
Posted By: Wolfgang
21-Nov-02 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Traditional Folksinger's Lament (E Bogle)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Traditional Folksinger's Lament (E Bogle)
I have the 'Life in Person' LP with a big lyrics insert (including some nasty remarks by Bogle about audiences, performers, club organisers and the Music; a taste: Too many bad traditional songs floating about are clear candidates for euthanasia. We should come clear and admit those songs are rubbish).

First, the LP was recorded in Münster, not in Munich (München) as Melanie has posted.

Second, in the lyrics insert the towns in verse 2 are typed Gwhyda and Ghwent (but the insert has a couple of mistakes, so that's not for sure).

The lyrics I have are somewhat different. The ones I have are older, for all changes I see are improvements of that type a singer/songwriter would make naturally while singing and finding some smoother lines. Other things are bits he adapts to the local situation. For instance the line Next night I appeared at the Münster folkclub may have been sung by Eric only once in his life.

Late 'n short, I have two Bogle songbooks. I don't sell them, but if it's only for some songs I'll help you.
