The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11234   Message #83150
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
01-Jun-99 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Memorial Day
Subject: RE: Memorial Day
Mick, I read that incredibly moving message when you first posted it--I addressed the message to you not because I thought you would be offended--far from it: I think I was inspired to write it partly by my memory of what you had written in the Vietnam Songs thread. Addressing it to you was really a rhetorical device (I hope you aren't bothered by being used as a rhetorical device)--I thought by so addressing it, I would link what I wanted to say to what you had said, again so passionately and eloquently, to emphasize that people on both sides of a war have friends die in their arms, or lose sons, husbands, sisters and brothers, lovers, parents, awake screaming in the night for years after... --seed