The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53813   Message #831816
Posted By: Bobert
21-Nov-02 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homeland Security Bill Passes Senate
Subject: RE: BS: Homeland Security Bill Passes Senate
Well, Kendall and Doug, the area of Wes Ginny that I live in still ain't broken away from the CSA. There are more confedrate flags back in this holler than one would expect to find back in the sticks in Georgia.

Doug: Hey, I just call it the way I see it. The term *redneck* probably doesn't hold the same meaning for the two of us. Like I just said, I live in a purdy6 danged redneck area but lots of these folks are also, ahhh, *friends*. My wife's three sons, all in their 30's and all college edgy-cated, live in North Carolina and all three ar, well, what I consider *rednecks* because they are more interested in NASCAR and bass fishing than actually reading anything but the sports pages of their newspaper, yet they are very emotional about their political beliefs which do not go beyond what they have read from a bumper sticker. Hey, they are great kids. Just don't know nuthin' about whats going on in the US or the world. You'd be proud of 'em 'cause they all voted for Bush and will agin in '04. Like I said, *red necks*, but I love 'em all...
