The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11231   Message #83215
Posted By: Fadac
01-Jun-99 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gun Threads - Has one Cat changed their mind?
Subject: RE: 'Gun Threads' Has one Cat changed their mind?
Well, this might surprise some, but my mind has discovered a new way of looking at the issue. At least a little bit. Anybody here play Doom? Games like Doom, (The shoot em up kind) are the same sorts of games the military uses to train troops. So you take a 10 year old, give them two to six hours a day of Doom (or it's ilk.). Then it is small wonder that they have no remorse for killing in real time. In several years of game play, how many people does a Doom player kill?

So ban the game? If one could, YES! However the game is out there. The internet has hundreds of very vilont games avaible for any one with access to download and play. So banning the games is like banning the tide. Ain't gonna happen.

Possable soluition? Teach the kids (in very eary years) that games and real life are two differant things. When I was growing up, most boys had toy guns. We played cowboys and indians, WWII and all that stuff. However we knew that a toy gun was for play and a real gun was not. We all knew the differance and acted accordionly. Later in my play (age 11? or so.) I would not even point the toy gun directly at my friends. BTW we did get some gun safty in school. Along with fire safty, lost in the woods safty, and hide under your desk in case of a nuke strike safty.

Bottom line: MHO, Teach the differance between game play, and real world. The graphics in games is becoming very real. Too real. So it needs to be pointed out again and again, what you see on the TV or computer screen is NOT real life. Only a simulation.

I hope everyone had a quiet and peacfull weekend. We did and enjoyed every miniute.
