The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53832   Message #832458
Posted By: HuwG
22-Nov-02 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: What have the Irish ever done for us
Subject: RE: BS: What have the Irish ever done for us
Reading histories of Britain's relations with Ireland, I hope that the Irish have given us a conscience when it comes to history. I don't think there is a nation on Earth than can claim never to have committed crimes against humanity, but (contrary to Hegel) I think it possible to learn from the victims, rather than accept the glib statement that history is written by the victors.

Phew ! Got that off my chest ..

I do enjoy Guinness, in moderation (after about five or six pints, it tends rather to act as mental ballast);

I also enjoy much Irish music (instrumental and sung). However, there are a number of songs, from both sides of the sectarian divide in Northern Ireland which I would not sing, and which, for their expressed sentiments and provocative use, I would put in the same class as the "Horst Wessel Lied" [that said, the most offensive thing I ever sung was The Ould Orange Flute, which has the virtue of offending both sides equally.

(Other than undergoing Northern Ireland training, while in the forces briefly, the "Troubles" have affected me indirectly; a good friend had to leave Northern Ireland, after she replied to a question from Gerry Adams as he was touring an art gallery, and received several bullets in the post.)


Note that whatever the Irish have given us, it should be remembered that they took St. Patrick from Wales in the first place.


My favourite screen dialogue, from Blazing Saddles

Howard Johnson : Who are all these people anyway ?
Bart (Sherriff of Rock Ridge) : They're just ordinary poor people; Negroes, Chinese, Irish. All they want is to settle down, make a home for themselves, earn a decent living. What would it cost you to let them stay ?
Howard Johnson : OK, OK, we'll let the negroes and the Chinamen stay ... but we won't have the Irishmen !