The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53886   Message #832572
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
22-Nov-02 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are we really Viet Nam Veterans?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we really Viet Nam Veterans?
toadfrog, Yes I know what a DSC is though you obviously don't know that it is an Army decoration, and not given to Marines. It might be interesting to see how many DSC were turned in vs Navy Crosses.

And yes, I do know that returning the decorations meant absolutely nothing, as the decorations honors and privledges don't go with the actual medal. There was a case of a local veteran who had, like your friends, decided to throw his medals at the Pentagon. Many years later he was discovered working at the local VA hospital, having used the privledges and hiring points of these medals to gain senority in the Federal job selection process. The local vets, who remembered his self rightious attitude at the time, were furious at this when it hit the papers, and are demanding that he be fired, which I think is only correct. However the Federal union is fighting to keep him, and I suspect that he will be kept on. Understand that the issue is not returning the medals, it was using their benefits, after the camera lights were turned down, and the cheers died away.

And artbrooks, you are dead on... I cannot imagine having any more fun, than I'm having right now. Jams three times a week, concerts almost every week end, a great lady in my life, a daughter and grandson who love me better than I love myself, a small town which takes me an hour to walk through on Sunday, what for the meeting and greeting, and the quiet knowledge that the anger and frustration that I sometimes see on this site, means the good guys finally won...