The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11231   Message #83331
Posted By: John OSh
01-Jun-99 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gun Threads - Has one Cat changed their mind?
Subject: RE: 'Gun Threads' Has one Cat changed their mind?
While I have not change my opinion(s) on this issue, it is nice to see various perspectives interacting in rational discussion (most of the time). I am against "extensive" gun control, but agree that select regulations should be in place (ie: mandatory training and certification w/ arms, background checks for felony convictions). One main issue I do have, stated on various threads before by others, is the knee jerk reaction many have after a tragedy such as Colorado. A decision made in extreme emotion, to one direction or the other on a subject, often leaves rational, well thought out action plans by the wayside.

Chet W., I admire your work w/ the juvie justice system. I was involed with various aspects of social work for several years, and saw too the growing issue of misconduct and lack of basic ethical values in this segment of society.

Please, instead of blaming social ills upon an "nuetral" object (ie: intend comes from the user), one must step up and address the issues behind the willingness of an individual to use that object in a violent manner.

Where are the cries against drug abuse (the drug trade from high level dealers to casual users factor heavily into gun crime statistics), lack of family structure (for any of the numerous reasons no longer providing a safe envirnment for the young to grow), poor to no civics education or responsibility on the part of all citizens, lack of a basic ethical framework being taught to the young (one which can cut across all faiths, creeds, nationalities, and races, such as "Respect each person as an individual, regardless of all differences of opinion or background).

Where is the outrage against the government for not enforcing the current laws on firearms.

Where is the true outrage against the egregous violence in the media and entertainment (if people were so outraged against it, they would not go see it or rent it. If they did not see it or rent it, a vast majority of it would disappear, as there would be no profit for the media/entertainment companies to make it.)

Guns are not the problem or solution, they just are. It is the individuals behind the guns who are the problem or solution.

Lets stand up against factors of society which encourage violence. It may be a long, slow process... but isn't it worth working toward.

And, after all, is that not what a great deal of folk music is about.

As Rosanna Rosanna Dana said, "I think there should be more violins in school"

"The darkness of dispair can never win so long as there one candle of hope burning" (Sorry, can't remember who said it)

John OSh