Bill - given the pathetic core - of current postings - I personally, welcome ANY sort MUSICAL question.....Joe gave me a reminder in another thread about the MC folk.
Once, I was, likewise, in your shoes.
On the other hand, I also catch a wiff of sardonic wit .... eminating from one who is sometimes, less than serious.
KUDOS Hellen!!!
-They said it couldn't be done
But, she with a chuckle replied,
That maybe it couldn't
But she would be one,
Who wouldn't say so.... till she tried.
Sure hope Jake checks back in....we have had a suspicious number of GUEST postings and re-threads............without which............most of the musical aspects of the MC would be dead.......I have a vague fear that someone, (Joe?) is desperately behind the scenes, treading water in the deluge of non-folk, trying to keep the mudcat's music aspect afloat.