The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11231   Message #83450
Posted By: Uilleand
02-Jun-99 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gun Threads - Has one Cat changed their mind?
Subject: RE: 'Gun Threads' Has one Cat changed their mind?
What it really comes down to is personal responsibility, isn't it? There is no one thing that causes something like Littleton but a variety of factors. To just find one thing (guns, media, poor parenting, drugs, etc.) to blame relieves us of our personal responsibility. Even if we wanted to do something it feels too overwhelming to stand up to something as the media, the NRA, the government. It really begins in our own households and the little things we do. I am for personal freedom as much as anybody. I think it is important that government should have as little control as possible over our lives. But to make sure that happens we need to lead our lives responsibly. Do I feel like I should have the choice to own a gun, to decide over my own body, to drive, to drink, to use drugs, etc.? Of course. But as soon as we acknowledge that all of these things including our lives are really a priviledge as opposed to a right, maybe we will begin to act a little more responsibly. And the choices begin with each one of us. Living the lives we would like not just our own children to lead, but each and every child on this planet. Examples: To choose not to keep a gun as the weapon of choice in the household for now, as long as there are youngsters around, to choose not to go see that violent movie, because it encourages the movie industry to produce violence, to choose to spend time with your child instead of parking him/her in front of a TV or computer. Let's stop pretending that we are powerless to change this world. Six degrees of separation is no myth and the world wide web brings us ever closer. Do we really believe that each and everything we do, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has no implications for the rest of the world? Change happens slowly. But it begins at our own doorstep, not the media's, not the government's, not the NRA's. They are merely extensions of our own choices. Stop playing the blame game and choose to walk the walk for our children's sake.