The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54035   Message #836068
Posted By: GUEST,vrdpkr
27-Nov-02 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Tech: blues harp on racks
Subject: RE: Tech: blues harp on racks
I like Lee Oscar racks and play Lee Oscar MM harps. It gives you a complete scale in cross position and, especially important for a singer, I'm usually inhaling at the end of a phrase, giving me a full breath to start singing. Harps give me that different "voice' , too. Also, as a singer, it gives me a chance to rest my voice with a long harp break. I've modified my rack (holder) by disassembling it and slipping clear plastic tubing over the part that goes behind your head. It will help pad the wire and helps keep it from sliding so much. I've also replaced the wing nuts with large (1"?) plastic Wing nuts that came from a weed wacker . If you go to a good hardware store (Ace in my case) there should be a variety of these. I'm not sure what the tech term for them is but it's much better than the skimpy wing nuts that come with it. You may have to open up the loop where the bolt goes through if you have to replace the bolt with a bigger one. Be sure to slip a toothed washer between the two metal rack pieces to help hold it where you tighten it. It sounds complicated but it is really very easy, cost me maybe $2 and works a lot better. Good luck.
