The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54114   Message #836131
Posted By: Marion
27-Nov-02 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: You guys've stood in my way long enough
Subject: You guys've stood in my way long enough
Hello everyone. I am happy to announce that as of yesterday I've quit the day job and plan to make my living just from music: a little busking, a little teaching, and a little gigging. A little scary too, but exciting! Phase two of my plan to run off to Toronto and become a star is now complete.

(Also, I turned 30 yesterday... this is not a coincidence.)

Three of the people who have played a significant part in this decision are Mudcatters, so I'd like to say a word about them,
in chronological order:

Rick Fielding, who told me that I could and should play professionally. Although for a while I thought he was just full of it,
this was the first time I'd heard this from a knowledgeable source, and it got me thinking. Also, Rick has given me a lot of help lately with advice/loans for recording and amplification. I guess you win your bet, dude.

Jed Marum, who may be surprised to see his name here since we've just met briefly and his effect on me was unintentional. Nonetheless, he influenced me in two ways. First, hearing him play and listening to his first CD brought home to me, in a new way, what a fine thing it is to be able to sing and play nicely, and write good songs, and play along with other people readily... and that this ability is a worthwhile thing for me to devote myself to. On the other hand, listening to Jed made me feel that I'm a very long way from being able to do what I want musically, and that I'm too old to sit at home practicing and dreaming of someday. I had to find a way to do something now, or I won't be a musician till I'm sixty.

That's where Genie comes in. Recently she has gone out of her way to give me loads of practical and specific advice on playing in the seniors' niche market, both from the business and performance ends of things. But the biggest thing she's done for me is not in the specifics but in the general: she opened my eyes to how I could start making a steady income in music with what I know now - and without the sucky TTC!

(I should add that this list is of Mudcatters who have influenced my professional plans; if I were to list those who have helped me develop my musicianship I could go on and on about Willie-O, M.Ted, Justa Picker, Mark Clark, and others...)

Love, Marion