The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54178   Message #837508
Posted By: Noreen
29-Nov-02 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: George Harrison Tonight!
Subject: RE: George Harrison Tonight!
Just heard briefly from my friend who was AT the concert tonight, Peter- and I'm jealous as hell! I'll report back with more details when he's calmed down a bit- says he's died & gone to heaven. (He's got 'Brainwashed' too, but I've not heard it yet. Who was there?
Tom Petty,
Joe Brown,
all of Monty Python apart from John Cleese,
Jeff Lynne (other people would understand apart from Mbo, Peter!)
Dahni Harrison who looks amazingly like his Dad,

and loads more who I can't remember right now, Sure it'll be in the papers tomorrow.
