The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54140   Message #837538
Posted By: masato sakurai
29-Nov-02 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dixie
Subject: RE: Origins: Dixie
In 1860, another music sheet (piano version without lyrics) was published (CLICK HERE for the sheet):

Jones, Paul, arr.
Get Out of the Wilderness; Dixie's Land, piano
"Get out of the Wilderness And Dixie's Land, two popular airs as played by Capt. A. Menter and his American Cornet Band."
Price: 25 cents
Cover design
Inside title: (p. 3) "Get out of the Wilderness. As played by Menters Brass Band. Arranged for the piano by Paul Jones." (p. 4) "Dixeys Land"
At bottom of p. 4, referring to "Dixeys Land": "Published by permission of Firth, Pond & Co., owners of the copyright."
4 p.
Cincinnati: John Church, Jr., 1860.
"Cincinnati: Published by John Church, Jr., 66 West Fourth Street. Philad.: Lee & Walker. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. New York: Firth, Pond & Co.
At bottom of 1st page of music: "Entered according to Act of Congress, A.D. 1860, by J. Church Jr. in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Southern District of Ohio."
Pub. Pl. no. n/a