The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53968   Message #838046
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
30-Nov-02 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Subject: RE: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Conversation on Yahoo

"Whiney Old Farts in Pampers
   sit around crying about their chimp being called a moron, whine about bubba getting head,
   whine about having to pay their taxes, whine about colored people wanting to vote, whine
   about arabs holding their oil, whine about people wanting kenny boy in jail, whine about
   having to go after their favorite supporter osama bin laden, whine about having to do an
   independant investigation for all those people who lost family on 9-11, whine about being
   busted selling weapons to saddam hussein, whine about not having prayer in school, whine
   about their children seeing sex on violence while parading a blowjob across it for 2 years.

   goddamnit you stupid fvcking whiney ass conservatives, grow up. bush IS a moron, maybe
   you can't handle that but your "misunderestimating" his capacity for stupidity obviously.

A Response
"Don't worry lefty, we all know klintoon was a joke. "

A Reply
   hahaha funny thing is I voted against clinton

   maybe you pedophile old men in diapers need to see if you can get your cocks re-attached
   after mullah falwell got them off so you could finally get some instead of envying bubba.

    Posted as a reply to: Msg 3186 by Tuncia_Kid

The official resigned !

6:37 PM 11/26/2002