The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54225   Message #838631
Posted By: Tweed
01-Dec-02 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD Banner ??
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Banner ??
Thanks back atcha Charcloth! And for all you song contributors who wanta see what your name looks like on the back of a real CD liner that link again is: The MudCat CD Sampler
I've been gawking at the back of Plum (best of the lot IMHO) for hours now and still can't believe my eyes! What the hell will the folks back home think?
Place your orders and get some great stocking stuffers. Lots of music on a first edition set. Think of it as if it were the new Library of Congress recordings, except ol' Amos collected us with a computer instead of a record machine in the trunk (boot) of car like Lomax did.;~)

Tweed (the plummer)