The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54178   Message #838764
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
02-Dec-02 - 07:16 AM
Thread Name: George Harrison Tonight!
Subject: RE: George Harrison Tonight!
I can't believe it's a year already either for the passing of my favorite of the bunch. I never relent rom from reminding folks that with all of the "fog of P.R." over how much John & What's her name's record of "pacifism-cum-performance art *talked* a good game of Peace it was George Harrison whom actually *did* something in the form of his benefit Concert for Bangela Desh and then followed up to make damn sure that the collected funds were not further siphoned off by certain various concert marketer-parasites in suits.

Reminds me of my search for the DVD release of the "Concert or Bangela Desh" film.

Thus a concert for remembering George Harrison is more than just fitting since I can predict that it was all recorded and will be released ass a DVD with the revenues going to whatever G.Harrison's favorite charity was of late.

"All Things Must Pass" is still the best of all of the solo albums of all of the Beatles to my ear. Upon hearing of Harriosn's passing my thoughts immediately recalled "Isn't It A Pity" , then the *original* "My Sweet Lord" ,and then the totally celebratory "Wah-Wah".......and while writing this the harmonica strains of "Apple Scruffs" are playing in my mind's ear from memory.

Guess it's time I actually bought the CD since my album version has passed.;-)