The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11318 Message #83878
Posted By: Rick Fielding
04-Jun-99 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: Harmonica Players Unite!
Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
Glad to see Don mention Huang. I've started buying them and not just because I'm cheap. I find them more "forgiving" than the others. For years I had a couple of the old Hohner "echo harps" and they just gathered dust, until I did a workshop at a festival with one of the guys from "La Boutine Souriant". I loved the way he played the old French-Canadian fiddle tunes on it, so I dug mine out and have been using them a lot lately. Now learning to step-dance while sitting in a chair is a LOT harder. The recent tribute album of Gershwyn songs done by Larry Adler and an all-star cast and produced by George Martin is fabulous. Don't think I've got the guts to get the chromatic out though. Steve, I had Carlos on the radio show (while he was still playing with the late Thom Roberts) and he's quite astonishing. Nice to see that he's finally getting his due. Did you see the big article in the Star?