The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53968   Message #838875
Posted By: TIA
02-Dec-02 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Subject: RE: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Mav, I'm only taking issue with you because I can never get through to the radio blowhard who is using your lips. Global warming is real. This is the consensus of all actual scientists without political agendas. The exact causes and extent of consequences are still being investigated, but to call it a myth is silly, and dangerously ignorant. And yes, CO2 can be a pollutant. Anything can be a pollutant if present in quantities or in places where it is harmful (i.e. noise pollution, light pollution, nutrient pollution...). As Mr. radio know-it-all has often pointed out, "if ozone is so wonderful (in reference to the ozone hole), why is it a pollutant?" Easy answer -- because it's in the wrong place! At ground level, it's hell on lungs, but high in the atmosphere, it blocks UV. I'd love to explain this to your mentor, but he's unreachable to all except the choir, and I suspect that he would be unreceptive to the opinion of a scientist without agenda, but in disagreement with his.

Guess this wasn't on the topic of the thread (but my button got pushed), so I'll state on-topic that he almost certainly is not a moron in the psychological (albeit it now-antiquated) sense -- of mental age 7 to 12 years.