The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52997   Message #839039
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Dec-02 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
Subject: RE: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
I just sat in the staff lunchroom reading a menu from a local Chinese restaurant as I ate, and contemplated this "proofreading" vs. "translation" question Larry mentions. Clearly a non-English-as-their-first-language speaker might not know that the ingredients in a particular dish should read "shrimp and muscles" and not "shrimps and muscles," because one is considered singular or plural by itself, while the other isn't. However, I still understand what is in the dish. The clarity without the proper grammar is, I believe, intended to convey a sense of "other," in this case, an "authentic other" because they are cooks from China, not cooks from the U.S. putting together Chinese food.

Very clever, these folks who mangle English for a living in order to trick we gullible Americans (among others).

Stilly River Sage