The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54114   Message #839094
Posted By: meatrail
02-Dec-02 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: You guys've stood in my way long enough
Subject: RE: You guys've stood in my way long enough
Congratulations on your decision. Best of luck an all. I've busked on ann off for moor years than I can reemmber. And I've quit some jobs when they got in the way of my life. I've been accused of never haven had a impulse I didnn't act on, but you sound like you've thought this through an done what is good for yourself. there'd be more happy people in this ould world if more people "followed their bliss." Hell,ain't hardly nobody goen to get out of this life without working so you might as well work at what' enjoyable.

Good on yer, Marion! and go build some great memories.


P.S. I liked the Tom Robbins story real well.