The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54264   Message #839383
Posted By: Richie
02-Dec-02 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: A suggestion to all y'all
Subject: RE: A suggestion to all y'all
Here's the true story again, with corrections:


Chet Atkins was playing a concert in Winston-Salem, NC in 1992. Muriel Anderson, Brad (Buster B.) Jones and I were opening the show. When I went by the hotel to pick up Muriel I had all my guitars and stuff crammed in the back. My brother was with me too.

So we went in the lobby and Muriel was there talking with Chet. So he asked me if he could grab a ride with us so he wouldn't have to wait.

I said, "Sure." so we piled everything in my little car but we couldn't get Chet's guitar to fit in the trunk. We took all the guitar out and put everything back in then tried one more time to get Chet's guitar in the trunk. It wouldn't fit, the trunk was just one inch away from closing.

Chet finally had enough and got his guitar and walked back in the lobby. He seemed kinda sad to be left by himself.

The moral: Next time drive a bigger car, dummy!
