The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53968   Message #839814
Posted By: Bobert
03-Dec-02 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Subject: RE: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron

Well, danged! Of course I know that the F-16 can't stop in mid air! Heck, I may be a Wes Ginny hillbilly but I ain't stupid. Geeeze.

The point I was making yesterday was that this little decade long game that the F-16 pilots and the Iraq's on the ground hasn't brought one plane down and I reckon after 10 long years that the Iraqi's ain't gonna suddenly get better at the game. So for Junior to use this little beneign game as a motivation for attacking Iraq is no better than Kennedy's excuse when a Viet Namese fishing boat *may or may not* have fired a bullet from a WW I rifle at a US destroyer.

Now, today, the other half of the *twidle-dee-twiddle-dummer* (your choice...) releases a report that Saddam is a bad man. Hmmmmmm? Like that's, ahhh, NEWS? Well, maybe to the guy who just woke from a coma who has missed the last few months of drum pounding but to no one else. Oh well, can't say that your tax dollars aren't at work 'cause Junior's PR folks are spendin' 'em like there's no tomorrow. Oh, that's right. Maybe there won't be. Word on the street is that Saddam has nuclear waepons and he's plannin' on attackin' the US and UK with 'em any day now.....

Give my boney Wes Ginny butt a break, folks.

And while yir at it, beam me up....
