The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53968   Message #839906
Posted By: Greg F.
03-Dec-02 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Subject: RE: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron

( I'm assuming you're not a 'guest' at all but the same fellow that's been around for quite a while)

At any rate, flame is not the way to destroy a troll.

Not my intent to flame at all - I'm trying to be objective.

Do a search and read this individual's posting history. He/She has repeatedly made unequivocally racist and white supremecist statements. Additional views She/He expresses and the manner in which they are expressed certainly indicate a sociopathic and possibly a pshchopathic personality; preposterous statements and assertions that would embarrass many if not most thinking political conservatives.

It is, of course, possible that She/He posts without really believing the spew; in that case She/He is simply a vicious buffoon- immature and obnoxious.