The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54153   Message #840401
Posted By: JedMarum
04-Dec-02 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Folk Music On PBS
Subject: RE: Folk Music On PBS
... just kidding about the Beef Brothers!

But I must say I saw Judy singing Both Sides Now and she sounded great. Like GUEST said above, I too was astounded at how good she sounded; even better then when she was younger, if that's possible. What a magnificent voice, so effortlessly and beautifully used!

BUT ,I have to admit that, I could not stand watching much of it. I only caught the Judy Collins thing in passing, and stayed with it - but I just couldn't stand the hokey, crap formulaic approach that PBS put into this lame line up. Absolute Crap! And I don't mean to flush all the performers out with this comment. Certainly there were a few good ones - But much of this stuff was sh*t music 30 years ago, or at best medicore. It hasn't gained any quality with the passage of time! PBS should know better, damnit!! And Barry McGuire singing Eve of Destruction??? Give me a break!! What sort of IDIOT scheduled that???

Go for the nostalgia, go for the most bang for the buck, go for the lowest common denomonator - and give those old farts a chance to get teary eyed and glowing over the 'better times when they were young' sort of thing, and maybe they'll dig deep into their pocket and send PBS money. Maybe they'll talk about PBS's brave new approach to using TV for important work like telling the world about Folk Music. Well, PBS; don't do us any favors! This show was dreadful!

This sort of emotional play makes me angry (does it show??). We all know there was good folk music around in that era, as well as the schlock that was passed off as folk. Why the hell couldn't they have put some of that on? Why the hell didn't they call on their friend Ken Burns?? I am sure he'd have done a thousand times better.

And by the way, Ken Burns did more for folk music by accident then this show did on purpose. His marvelous choice of music for his various series has brought some beautiful music, beautifully performed to the forefront of public consciousness. He didn't even have to preach!

Now - before I reread this, to eliminate as many typos as I can find, and click enter, I need to say; I know there were a few gems among the list of songs and entertainers. I've already mentioned Judy Collins, I always loved the Smothers Brothers, I am sure Roger McGuinn did fine - so even though I am angry at PBS's perversion, I know there may have been some quality moments.