The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11231   Message #84077
Posted By: Chet W.
04-Jun-99 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gun Threads - Has one Cat changed their mind?
Subject: RE: 'Gun Threads' Has one Cat changed their mind?
Fadac, my friend I hope, I would gladly register my guitars if it would do any good. In fact, in time of need, I expect that an alder-body Stratocaster would be better than a lot of other blunt objects. But seriously you can have an impact on judges, legislators and the whole slimy lot, especially on a local level, if you and enough like-minded people make it clear to them that they'll have to look elsewhere for their votes next time. My students, who are already in jail, have told me stories lately that baffled them, like about how somebody they knew got caught with a gun at school and was rewarded with some serious years behind bars, whereas just weeks ago, in the same school and the same court with the same judge, another kid got a slap on the wrist for the exact same offense. They don't understand it but I do. The tragedies in Colorado and Georgia finally woke some people up, and they are letting the politicians know what they want. I have known so few legislators with any personal integrity, but even in South Carolina they know pissed-off voters when they see them. (our judges are appointed by the legislature, so they are, indirectly but surely, in need of voter support). If we don't let them hear from us, they'll sure as hell listen to somebody else. And right now they are listening to people who are fed up with the whole violence and weapon wonderland that we've found ourselves living in. Also, most states are doing away with parole, so a convict will serve every day of his/her sentence, whatever it is. I think toughening up drunk-driving laws is more difficult precisely because so many of our lawmakers like to have a few themselves before driving home. Our day will come.

Chet W.