The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54333   Message #840828
Posted By: Ralphie
04-Dec-02 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: Folk Night on BBC 4 TV
Subject: RE: Folk Night on BBC 4 TV
Hi all
I'll see what I can find out re BBC R3 Folk night on 19th March...
But the (TV) BBC4 night in Jan sounds good....Tell your friends to inundate the Beeb with comments.
When the Carthy doc was first shown a few months ago, It had one of the largest audience responses ever, apparently....
A bit more pushing and we might get some of this stuff onto UK terrestrial TV....( Yes, I know....!!)
Meanwhile, keep listening to, and commenting on, Late Junction, Kershaw et al....they are doing a sterling job in this land of Fame Academy etc.
Any exposure is good exposure
Regards Ralphie
PS...there's an Anne Briggs track on this weeks Kershaw!! and we're looking for her Peel sessions.....Don't hold your breath though.