The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53274   Message #841109
Posted By: Troll
05-Dec-02 - 12:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: CIA at Work- Anyone Surprised?
Subject: RE: BS: CIA at Work- Anyone Surprised?
This is slightly off the topic, but I have seen several references to WWII Japanese Admiral Yamamoto and his death. In one post it was referred to as an asassination.
Now maybe I'm a little naive and I'm certainly not courant on the latest revisions but I was under the impression that Adm. Yamamoto was killed when the transport plane that was taking him back to Japan was shot down by American fighters. As I recall, we were at war with Japan at the time.
I have read that US intelligence had intercepted messages that told the Navy that the flight was taking place. So they knew where to look and that was that.
The theory has been advanced that he was going home to persuade the Japanese government to stop the war. Since he was a Hero, his words would have had great weight, the war would have been ended much earlier, and there would have been no need for the A-bomb.
So far, so good. But now it gets interesting. There is a theory that the American Govt. KNEW that he was going to do this and killed him so he couldn't stop the war.
If anyone has any info on this whole mish-mosh, I'd be interested in seeing it.
My personal opinion is, if it was true that he was going home to try to stop the war, he would have been given the same choice that Field Marshall Rommel was given. Because he WAS a Hero.

