The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54294   Message #841147
Posted By: Boab
05-Dec-02 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: 'What is folk?' and cultural differences
Subject: RE: 'What is folk?' and cultural differences
I do thoroughly enjoy being in the "traditional" cage , and often, at that. However, I feel pity for those who permanently lock themselves in there. I once heard folk music described--perfectly--as "what folk sing!" Many are the gems of the music and song tradition; but in common with the antique trade in any commodity---dealers beware! Someone digs up a jam jar which is 150 years old---ah!--a genuine antique! But in common with many a dug-up, genuine traditional song, it would have been better left buried. I was a member [and m.c.] of a Northumbrian folk club for some years [and I've still to find a club to match it!]and besides the ever-welcome traditional input from floorsingers and nationally-acclaimed guests, we were privileged to enjoy the likes of Arizona Smoke Review, Frisco Fire Band [Faith Pretic], and many others . Many a song of the modern era has lasted well in the broad spectrum of the "folk " field. It deserves the folk label. If it is crap from the word "go", it will disappear smartly, as much of the inane and atrocious constantly does. The only danger is that like some "traditional folk", it just might be dug up some day!!