The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11234   Message #84148
Posted By: Gracie
05-Jun-99 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: Memorial Day
Subject: RE: Memorial Day
Wow. I thank all of you for your honest insights into the meaning of Memorial Day. As a child, I dreaded the weekend, as it meant spending my birthday(May 29) packing and unpacking for our annual big camping trip, fetching this and that for whomever, when all I wanted to do was stay home and read instead of going camping to read between calls. Of course, I have grown up a bit since then, and have become more aware of the meaning of Memorial Day, but the sincerity of your conversation has really touched my heart. As for singing, I only do so in church, but this weekend I shall be singing "For Future Generations", with respect to graduates; to those who have taught us the important things in life and have gone on ahead, to leave us with their legacy and memories; and those who were killed at the high schools, most especially the young lady who died for her belief in God and her right to express that belief, which so many men (and women) have suffered and died fighting for. Christian singer Ray Boltz recently wrote 2 new songs honoring those who fight for and stand guard for freedom; he gained a new respect for all they sacrifice during his trips to undeveloped countries. Thank you all for adding to my eye-opening experiences. I feel there is such wisdom here at this site.