The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54385   Message #841636
Posted By: Charley Noble
05-Dec-02 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Gathering Ideas for New England
Subject: RE: Shanty Gathering Ideas for New England
This may work as a way to "tap" sea shanty and sea ballad interest in the greater Newburysport area, the exact dimensions of as yet undetermined.

The Press Room session makes a good model to start with, a regular free monthly session starting about 4 and ending about 9 pm. We might even try adding a paid evening sea music concert as a follow-up to the open session.

This gathering would, in my opinion, work best if there was a local host to keep in close contact with the management, and coordinate local publicity. Any Mudcatters near there?

Sure, let's discuss this some more over some brew at the Press Room, this Friday evening.

All for me grog,
Charley Noble