The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842010
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
05-Dec-02 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Hmmm... I suppose if we really wanted to, we could find out how many Rapists were connected to the ACLU or Arsonists with greenpeace... this could go on well into the New Year - but I hope you don't mind if I don't waste a lot of my time on it.

One observation I've made here (and I don't usually poke around in BS threads any more) is that when I first got onto MC about 3 years ago, anyone who wanted to rip into the NRA, ANY Republican, or any even remotely "Conservative" ideaology anywhere they wanted to - and "music" threads were as fair game as any - got nothing but acollades and applause. Any of us few-and-far-between dissidents who objected to or tried to counter any of this PC dominant diatribe were promptly given the old flame-thrower treatment on no uncertain terms! I remember plenty of times walking away from the 'puter with smouldering shorts!

At least now it seems that there is a lot more openness and common sense in these discussions - some of you who are certainly no fans of the NRA are nonetheless willing to point out an obvious attempt to stereotype an entire organization as well as it's membership.

Now if I want to discuss music, chances are pretty good that on a regular music related thread, that's what we are going to do, and not be sidetracked or hijacked by someone with a political agenda to grind.

I really appreciate that!

Oh; by the way, Mr. bobert; you say that you are "Pro-Human"; that's cool. Are you "Pro-Choice" as well?

As to the NRA; Our former hero of American Socialism, Herr Willheim J. Klinton, begrudgingly stated after his puppet Algore failed to steal... errr.. "win" the election, that the NRA probably cost them the White House.
Since the NRA had succeeded in turning a lot of Union Member votes away from their traditional affinity to the Democrat Party to Bush, he was probably right.

And that in itself earned the NRA my dues for many a year to come!