The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842069
Posted By: DonMeixner
06-Dec-02 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
I don't think you can look at any studies and decide based on the results that they are the right and only answer. I believe that any study can be skewed to be the outcome you want. I just took a satisfaction survey at work. Most everyone is dissatisfied with things at the agency but this survey was impossible to answer negatively.

My Dad who taught me or supported me in everything worth knowing and doing was a life long Republican and at one time an NRA member. I never once heard him utter a venomous work. He taught me to shoot and I am quite proficient. He also taught me silversmithing. He taught me to have my say when ever I felt the need and to be polite about because I just might be wrong.   Every year he volunteered to help people get to the poles to vote. Even the Democrats

You just can't can't say that because a person is a gun owner, and NRA member and a republican that they are a dangerous loon who spouts propaganda and ppoisons his children.

I do think it is ironic that this kid is the son of an NRA boss. But he could have been the child of a Baptist minister or a the local librarian.
