The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842173
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
06-Dec-02 - 05:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
OK, all those takin' issue with the appropriateness of linking the public behavior of a 21 year old "Adult" drving a BMW ( not exactly raised in a household without priviledge ) to his father whom is also a board member of the Virginia headquartered NRA. ; y'all are missing the point entirely. Bein' a fellow Virginian allow me to make the point further
First one has to be pretty hardcore "pro-gun" and proven "rightwing" to even be "considered" for an NRA board position.
2nd is the hardcore "P.R." the NRA must apply to make their social relevence more "sellable" to the rest of the vast "non-believer" Americans : "Gun Safety". I mean that's the whole raison d' etre for their poster mascot ,Eddie Eagle ( not making this up ).
I guess it's about here that the concept of "Leading by Example" would occur to some right about now.
It kinda takes the "mosy bang for the buck" outta all that P.R. funding spent on promoting the best face forward when one of the NRA's board members has a 21 year old son , whom he has raised with all of the right wing baggage one must have been raised on in a household that results in a 21 year old owning a BMW.
Forget even trying to start a debate over "working hard for what he's got". This is Northern Virginia, suburb to Wash D.C. , & one of the top 5 wealthiest ,thus most priviledged, areas in the entire nation.

Bottomline : I'm glad the Rev Bobert posted this little slice of Virginia life because it's now going to be "locally" interesting to follow just how this 21 year old grun slinging , overgrown privilegded brat will be treated in court and what kind of judgement he will get. Will he be treated "equally before the law" for truly mindless attempted murder with a deadly weapon or will the NRA network find a pro-bono , NRA-emember lawyer whom will ,you know , "get him off".
Considering the recent "Beltway Sniper" incident that terrified this neighborhood ( how soon y'all forget ) somehow there just ain't enough hours of public service while on probation for just such an act of reckless *criminal* discharge of a firearm *in traffic* at another motorist to make this Virginian resident feel that justice would be served.

Such an idiot's license to "bare arms" should be immediately *revoked* along with his license to drive that BMW for he has clearly demonstrated total incompitence to handle either and ,yes, this does reflect badly on an NRA *board member* just the way it would if a 21 year old of the Drug Enforcement Task Force was found busted on Cocaine abuse ,or worse, trafficking.

And ,yes my Brit compadres and commadres , I have seenand enjoyed the original BBC production of "Traffik"on DVD

It's kinda like how the Bush daughters keep gettin' arrested for public misbehavior due to alcohol abuse. Knowing that *alcoholism* is a *genetic predisposition* one can wonder out loud about Pres. Dubya who ain't sayin' about what chemistry besides alcohol he was indulging in , but never owned up to, during his documented "wild youth" till he was 40. Considering his Daddy was already Vice President when ol' G.Dubya was in his mid-30's and havin' hisself one good ol' boy time "indulgin"
drinkin' and wenchin' and in what was commonly the drug of choice for every rich kid with a guaranted "get outta jail free card" because of "daddy's" priviledged "conncections" ,namely Cocaine.

Anyway , I guess y'all needed more of the in the trenches Northern Virginian perspective on this issue of "Guns & Responsible Driving".