The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41879 Message #842251
Posted By: nutty
06-Dec-02 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Graeme Miles -Songbook Launch
Subject: RE: Graeme Miles -Songbook Launch
And here are the songs on the CD ............
WHERE RAVENS FEED Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man's Band FellsideFECD157 (
Fair the Heather Grows * The Green Banks of Grain Waiting for the Ferry When the Green Man Walks the Forest Smoke over Belfast * Where Ravens Feed The Drift from the Land Romney Way * When the Tees ran warm The Eagle and the Dove The Wealden Men Over Yonder Banks The Heath of Luneburg The Sqaddies Lullaby When The Snows of Winter Fall
Those songs marked with a star are not in the songbook ...... Many other people have recorded Graeme's songs eg The Wilson Family Ray Fisher Mike Nicholson Graham O'Callaghan ........ to name but a few
and Robin Dale knows even more than we have already mentioned.