The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842261
Posted By: Bobert
06-Dec-02 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Well, thankie, Spawzer, fir seein' the original post fir what it was. Heck, I wasn't trying to "drop a clod in the churn", as Kendall says BUT did get a tad cranked up when it was brought to my attention that, well, being close to Christmas and all, I shouldn't be mentioning such stuff...

And thanks, Tal, fir yer support and bringing up the obvious (to the two of us anyway...) questions and curiosities that we have about how this kid id goping to be treated in the court system...

Lastly, as I have pointed out before, I am a *reponsible* gun owner having grown up with guns and in the NRA. One of the first things I learned in the NRA *safety classes* was never point a gun, loaded or unloaded at another person. Hey, one would think that is obvious but to a lot of folks it isn't. I find it sad that the NRA has changed its mission away from *gun safety* to *gun ownership*. In doing so, lots of *responsible* parents won't send their kids to learn *gun safety*, which alone would cut down on deaths by guns, for fear that their kids are going to get the rest of the NRA's right-winged indoctrination.

Doug: Thanks fir yer corn-cern about my mental health but I'm feeling just fine. We have snow and I'm off to work in my not-so-purdy M880 Army truck and the P-Vine is going with me today. Life is good...
