The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842368
Posted By: Big Mick
06-Dec-02 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Tsk, were doing so well. I have been watching your posts lately, and you have been engaging, and with great intellect, and I have even learned a few things. But then you just have to attack what others find sacred. "Bullshit christian" that really necessary?

In order for that "fact" to have merit, you would have to show the number of people who carry weapons that don't ever do anything like this. It is demagogic to really on stories like this instead of sound data. I travel over 60,000 miles a year in an automobile, in a state that has a "shall issue" license to carry a concealed weapon. I never had a weapon pulled on me, but I have experienced many road ragers. I even had one actually bump my rear bumper at 75 miles per hour. If those people simply hadn't had a car, then this would never have happened, right?

Declan, your observations are fair enough. The simple fact is that guns are a part of our culture from the very earliest times straight through to the present. It is not as simple as "if we didn't have 'em, this wouldn't happen". The anti gun folks arguments lack logic, are almost alway based on emotion and never on stats. Their arguments ignore the times guns have saved lives, the amount that are owned and used responsibly, the fact that in states where gun ownership is least restricted the violent crime rate is usually much lower, etc.
