The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842416
Posted By: GUEST
06-Dec-02 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Or is David M's daddy the reason why this story has been censored? Here is the American Conservative Union's biography of daddy boy:

David A. Keene is Chairman of the American Conservative Union, the Nation's oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization. He also serves as a Lobbyist with The Carmen Group, a governmental affairs and legislative relations firm based in Washington, DC.

Mr. Keene is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Law School. He has been a John F. Kennedy Fellow at Harvard University and is a former member of the Board of Visitors of the School of Public Policy at Duke University. He was a visiting professional scholar at the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University.

Mr. Keene's political experience is extensive. He has been involved in presidential politics since 1968. He worked in the White House during the Nixon Administration as political assistant to Vice President Spiro Agnew and on Capitol Hill as Executive Assistant to Senator James L. Buckley.

As Southern Regional Coordinator for Ronald Reagan in 1976 and National Political Director for George Bush in 1980, Mr. Keene won recognition for his skill as a political organizer and strategist. Additionally, Mr. Keene was a senior political consultant to Republican presidential candidate Robert Dole in 1988 and was an informal advisor during the 1996 campaign.

He has written extensively on U.S. politics and is a regular guest on political talk shows and news segments. He currently writes a regular column for The Hill, a newspaper covering Congress.

As the head of the American Conservative Union, Mr. Keene is an ideal guest for dialogue on Presidential and Congressional campaigns as well as commentary on the issues of the day from a conservative perspective.

Mr. Keene is available to engage in discusion and debate with government officials or others, and to serve as guest Host on Radio and Television programs.