The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842446
Posted By: GUEST
06-Dec-02 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Here is some more info on Papa Keene, from a Crossfire/CNN webpage where he interviewed John Ashcroft:

Currently chairman of the American Conservative Union, David A. Keene began his involvement in presidential politics in 1968 when he served as political assistant to Vice President Spiro Agnew. He went on to serve in the campaigns of Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bob Dole. Keene also serves as president of the Washington, D.C.-based political consulting firm of Keene/Halper Associates and as a lobbyist for The Carmen Group, in addition to publishing his own political newsletter, "The Keene Report."

And if it is God & guns you are seeking, you can read more about Daddy Boy through the Seek God website (a Christian Top 1000 website!) which gives fairly detailed bios of The Council for National Policy: (Daddy Keene is down the page a ways):

And from the ACU website itself, here is what Our Fearless Leader has to say about the Daddy Boy:

"I'm grateful to David Keene and the members of the ACU from coast-to-coast for all of their help this year. The ACU has been an invaluable partner in advancing our compassionate, conservative agenda." – President George W. Bush (ACU's website)"

I found that quote at the People for the American Way website.

And from Chuck Muth's gopnewsandviews website, we have this information on Baby Boy David M.:

"For historians of key votes, the American Conservative Union's new website is a dream come true," reports Michael Gerber in this week's The Hill column. "The conservative group's new site, launched this week at, includes a database of congressional ratings that goes back more than three decades, as well as up-to-the-minute headlines" provided by CNSNews. The new look and feel was crafted by ACU's in-house webmaster, David M. Keene, with the expert assistance of the fine folks at Hockaday/Donatelli Campaign Solutions."

Gee, I can't IMAGINE how or why this story is being hushed up! All those Good Christian Republicans and Their Children Who Hold All Power in Washington and Fairfax couldn't have had anything to do with it, could they?