The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842510
Posted By: GUEST
06-Dec-02 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
SharonA, you can't be serious? You don't think this story is being censored?


In the wake of the DC sniper shootings, northbound George Washington Parkway in Fairfax County is closed for ONE HOUR AFTER A MOTORIST IN A MERCEDES BENZ IS SHOT AT ON DECEMBER 2, and we don't hear SQUAT ABOUT IT UNTIL DECEMBER 5, and only then through LOCAL MEDIA?

Give me a break. The cops had Baby Keene's name the minute they had the license plate number with the car registration--which would have been almost IMMEDIATELY, and this story is only floating to the surface in LOCAL DC MEDIA THREE DAYS LATER?

Hooeeeey! Your idea of censored story and mine are obviously pretty different. David A. Keene worked in the NIXON WHITE HOUSE! He worked on the election campaigns of Reagan, Bush I, and Dole!

Next thing people will be claiming the story isn't "newsworthy".