The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #842993
Posted By: GUEST
07-Dec-02 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Isn't it obvious this boy is going to get off with a slap on the wrist? First, the judges will all be in Republican pockets in the jurisdiction he was arraigned in--Alexandria. Second, if the cops didn't get around to arresting him until four days after the incident, don't you think it just might have been to give everyone time to prearrange the outcome?

Bobert, since there is no news about this, but you seem to be privy to some local tv coverage, could you keep us updated? I have contacted the major TV network news departments to provide information from the NBC4 station, and ask why their network news divisions aren't covering the story (I contacted ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN & Fox). I haven't heard a peep from a single one of them.

I am interested to know if any charges have been filed against the passenger in Keene's car for not coming forward with information on the shooting? And also Bobert, if you know the date of the next court date? I'm curious to hear about the "attitude" problem you mentioned. And I'm also wondering if the other driver has appeared in the local media to tell his side of the story?