The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #843128
Posted By: GUEST
07-Dec-02 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
You know, if this incident had happened anywhere else but in a car, what crime would the alleged shooter be accused of? Well, it always depends on the circumstances and what the DA's office believes it can prove. This was, at the least, an assault with a deadly weapon, possibly attempted murder.

I think people's responses to this shows a desensitized view of this act of violence. How would any of us like it if, while driving down the freeway on a Sunday afternoon, someone pulled out a gun and shot out our back window, with the bullet lodging in our seat, inches away from our head? Would we be so dismissive of the violence, as many here seem to be in this case, if it had happened to us, or one of our loved ones or friends or work colleagues? There is a difference between "aggressive driving" which constitutes dangerous driving tactics which are traffic offenses, and "road rage" which constitutes criminal behavior with vehicles, and in this instance, a loaded gun. This is the most serious crime we see on the nation's roads--when someone uses either their car, a gun, or both, to commit an act of violence against another driver.

The other aspect of this story I would like to discuss in a separate thread, which apparently the Mudcat censors won't allow us to do, is not the gun control/NRA aspect of this story, but the facts surrounding who the alleged shooter is, and the whys and wherefores of this story being censored by the national media. The latter facts are much more interesting to me, and I would hope, to people concerned with the ways such stories typically get buried by the media.