The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54477   Message #843286
Posted By: GUEST
07-Dec-02 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: Copperhead Road - explanation of line
Subject: RE: Copperhead Road - explanation of line
Well, Swan, Peter is somewhat right but you're original lines apparently is coorect. I have checked with Steve Eare's "unofficial " web site and I'm sitting here with the LP (as in vynal) and the words are inside and the line is:

"Just shot a coat of primer then he looked inside"

Hmmmmm? Been doing the song "Bobertized" more than I thought. I personally like my line better (Sorry, Steve...) but I think I know what he meant and I'm speakin' from some level of experience here in that I have bought many a police cars and sold 'em to a guty in New York for cabs. So, I reckon Steve was talkin' about the day his daddy bought the car at the auction at the Mason's Lodge. Well, when they sell 'em 'round these parts they do sometimes spary paint over where the official insignia was. So I reckon he could have gone to the auction, noticed the car with the spray paint on it and "looked inside".

But now if ya' think I'm gonna change the way I do Steve's song, it ain't gonna happen. I'll have to write him and tell him that we Catfolk have found an errant or poorly worded line in one of his songs.
