The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54414   Message #843298
Posted By: Mark Cohen
07-Dec-02 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Weave and Mend (Trup/Cameron)
Subject: LYR ADD: Launderland
Speaking of Aragon Mill, but on a slightly skewed note, this popped into my head at Camp Harmony 1988, and, with help from L.A. songwriter Sarah Lifton, this is what popped out. (Apologies to Si Kahn.) I think this made it into Sing Out! some years ago.


lyrics (c) 1988 Mark Cohen and Sarah Lifton
tune: Aragon Mill by Si Kahn

At the north end of town
Half a block west of Grand
There's a faded old sign
And it says "Launderland"

But there's no steam at all
Coming out of the vents
For the washers all broke down
One just stole my ninety cents

And my closet is bare
And my hamper's full again
Tell me what will I wear
Rinse and spin, rinse and spin

Well my Maytag is broke
It just burped, coughed, and died
Now I'm scrounging for change
For a three-ounce box of Tide


There's a row of plastic chairs
Some are orange, some are green
There's a puddle on the floor
Something's wrong with each machine

One is filled up with suds
One is fouled up with dirt
One just stole all my change
One just ate my last shirt