The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54114   Message #843456
Posted By: Marion
08-Dec-02 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: You guys've stood in my way long enough
Subject: RE: You guys've stood in my way long enough
OK Mick, I see what you're doing there. Sure, if you count the one time we jammed in reality (at the Mills') AND the times we jammed just in your mind, then you can call it several times.

Further on the subject of tangibility: there's someone I know here in Toronto who's five times the fiddler I am. On the way to one of my gigs last week I came across him busking on the subway, which I found a little depressing (note: while I think that busking on the street is a proud activity, I consider it a little degrading for a fine musician to go through the TTC process and pay for the privilege of a licence). Also, I recently asked him to fill in for me on a relatively low-paying gig that I couldn't do because I was already booked; he accepted the gig and thanked me for it, saying that his bookings had dried up lately.

So why am I tossing this guy a loonie - or a referral - while I'm on my way to a gig? It's nothing to do with technical ability or mysterious performance qualities. It's because in recent months I've spent a lot more time than he has in the library researching prospects, and on the phone introducing myself to strangers. Intangible my ass.

Cheers, Marion