The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54465   Message #844430
Posted By: GUEST,Philippa
10-Dec-02 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Paddy Tunney 1921-2002
Subject: RE: Obit: Paddy Tunney 1921-2002
rep;ying to Paddy Plastique
The Derry Journal today devotes over half a tabloid-size page to Paddy, including a photo of his sons carrying the coffin. The sons look very like their father and I know at least one of them sings as I remember him at sessions with his father (this may have been at Fleadh Rince agus Amhrán in Ballycastle, Co Antrim?). The Derry Journal reports that "Members of the Tunney family sang 'The Mountain Streams'" [where the moorcocks crow].

The Derry Journal has a website, but I don't know whether this article is in the on-line edition. The Irish News and Irish Times should have carried tributes; I think their websites are now subscriber only - I leave others to verify this information.

Maurice Leyden devoted most of Sunday night's "Fokal Point" on Downtown Radio, DTR, Newtownards (near Belfast) to songs sung by Paddy Tunney and to other singers singing songs learnt from Paddy. "Fokal Point" can be heard on-line, and I know stations often archive their programmes on-line for a week, so maybe you can hear this too.

Paddy's parting gift to us is the manuscript of a book "Sing Another Song", which I hope will be published next year.