The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54464   Message #844470
Posted By: GUEST,JennyO
10-Dec-02 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: cold,wet,hot,or wot
Subject: RE: BS: cold,wet,hot,or wot
Believe me, Australians like their weather, too. I believe one of the most popular channels on cable here is the weather channel. Unfortunately they have run with that idea and instead of showing a series of weather maps and temperatures like they used to, they now have a channel with presenters and commercials and lots of useless information we don't want. You can sit through it for half an hour and still not know what the temperature is going to be in Sydney tomorrow. Speaking of which, I heard that today's temperature of 16 degrees max in the middle of summer was the coldest December temperature since 1924. And it's been pouring rain all day and still going. After drought and temperatures in the high 30's and terrible bushfires up to two days ago, it's an amazing (and very welcome)transformation. So lots of weather coming our way. Maybe Daylia's cool wet vibes are working big-time!