The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54539   Message #844707
Posted By: Jeri
10-Dec-02 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sprout shortage
Subject: RE: BS: Sprout shortage
What's the recipe for Brussels sprout soup??!!

My parents never forced me to eat anything, but the did coax me relentlessly. "Just trythem!" Actually, my mother did all the coaxing. My father got away with murder so he never tried to talk me into eating anything.

I stayed with an aunt for a while and she served lima bean. She went into this big lecture on how I had to eat them, stop whining, you're at MY house now, dearie. (..and your little dog TOO!)   She was a mean old bat and I think she believed she was torturing me. Unbeknownst to her, I had never laid eyes, let alone taste buds, on a lima bean in my life. I loved 'em! I think I'd finished what she'd given me and asked for more before she was done with the lecture. Salt, butter and mushy food - life doesn't get any better. The point is that we'd never had lima beans because my father hated them and my mother didn't want to explain why Daddy could get away with that "I'm not going to eat them and you can't make me" stuff and I couldn't.

Anyway, that has nothing to do with Brussels sprouts. No matter how many times I tried them, I hated them. Same with asparagus, only aspagagus would make me gag if I even thought of eating it. Now, I love fresh (and NOT overcooked) asparagus and Brussels sprouts. I love that slightly bitter taste and the wonderful color. After all, you can put butter on something, it must be good.

I've never had parsnips, but I suppose I should try them.

And now, thank you very much, I am STARVING. Have to go buy Brussels sprouts and parsnips.