The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54404   Message #844779
Posted By: GUEST,Q
10-Dec-02 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: Steamboat coonjine songs
Subject: RE: Steamboat coonjine songs
Richie, I was most interested in songs about coonjines or rousters and their work, and about the river steamboats that they served.
Songs like Liza Jane and its allies need their own threads.

Way Down to Shawneetown is covered in five threads and DT. This is a modern song, and doesn't belong here. Songs like Glendy Burke (Foster) and Emmett's De Boatmen Dance I have mostly avoided- nothing really about the rousters. They are also in the DT and threads.

Are there more than a couple of songs about the canalers that go back to their time? Maybe someone should start a thread on their working methods to see what can be turned up.