The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54539   Message #844803
Posted By: Jeri
10-Dec-02 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sprout shortage
Subject: RE: BS: Sprout shortage
Ed, I didn't mean horribly bitter. I think it may be the translation. I was trying to convey that taste that makes sprouts different than other veggies. There's a taste that hits your tongue at exacly the same spot the nasty 'bitter' hits it, but it's very light and pleasant. It's the combination of that slightly bitter taste and the slightly sweet tast that make them so good.

I've never heard of mixing them with chestnuts or bacon, but both sound lovely. Bat Goddess throws the frozen ones in pickle juice after the pickles are gone. She comes from a culture with strong pickling heritage though.